Tertiary Education

Tertiary Education

For refugees, gaining access to higher education is a battle against the odds, with only 6% of refugee youths enrolled in some form of higher education. By donating, you can help a new generation of young adults to be defined by their opportunities for the future, rather than by their past.

Education is one of the surest roads to recovering a sense of purpose and dignity after the trauma of displacement. Through a competitive selection process, UNHCR awards tertiary education scholarships to refugee youths who have the skills and character to complete a study program, and who otherwise would not have been given access to higher education. UNHCR also monitors their preparations and progress at school, provide preparatory and language courses, and give them psychosocial support if needed.

Investing in tertiary education is an investment not just in the students – the leaders and role models of tomorrow – but also in their communities. It paves the way for employment, builds self-reliance, and realizes their potential to contribute to community economies, as well as strengthening social cohesion.

Vulnerable refugees risk falling into a cycle of dependency – you can help by them avoid this by empowering them to gain employment, self-reliance, and independence. Thereby, you also enable refugee graduates to become advocates and mentors within their own communities.

Read more – and become a proud supporter of DAFI Tertiary Scholarship Programme

1,159,313 kr

