Support for the people of Ukraine

Created By:
Heidi Ostlund
Collecting for:
Företagsinsamling Ukraina

Support for the people of Ukraine

Help support the people of Ukraine by donating to Semcon’s fundraiser. Semcon will match the raised amount.

Right now, a large part of the people of Ukraine are forced to leave their homes, facing devastating insecurities and suffering. It is hard to grasp the magnitude of the destruction that war brings, and it can be difficult to know how to support.

We at Semcon stand by the people of Ukraine in this humanitarian crisis, and we want to help. Therefor we have now started a fundraiser, where you can donate any amount you want. Everything counts. We have set a goal for the fundraiser of 200 000 SEK and Semcon will then double the money raised up to that amount. Our goal is to raise 400 000 SEK in total. You can learn more about UNHCR’s important work in Ukraine on their website.

If you want to participate, please make your donation here. Let us together try to send help to people in need.

400,000 kr
0 Days left

Heidi Ostlund donated 1,000 kr

Recent activity

  • Semcon Semcon donated 203,902 kr

    Semcon matches donations made by its employees. Thanks for all generous contributions!

  • Frida Åberg Frida Åberg donated 300 kr

  • Håkan Petersson Håkan Petersson donated 500 kr

  • Helen Skön Helen Skön donated 300 kr

  • Åsa Furnander Åsa Furnander donated 500 kr

  • Madeleine Johansson Madeleine Johansson donated 200 kr

  • Jens Kramer Jens Kramer donated 200 kr

    Jens Kramer

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 100 kr

  • Isabella Hedström Isabella Hedström donated 200 kr

  • Lars Ahlström Lars Ahlström donated 500 kr

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 500 kr

    Inte mycket kvar för att nå målet!!! Nu hjälps vi åt. Här kommer min andra donation.

  • Johan Klacksell Johan Klacksell donated 300 kr

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 100 kr

  • jenny bengtsson jenny bengtsson donated 300 kr

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 200 kr

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 200 kr

  • Alencar Filho Alencar Filho donated 100 kr

  • Mayara  Lupinacci Mayara Lupinacci donated 95 kr

  • Alexandre Freitas Alexandre Freitas donated 100 kr


  • Semcon Division Stockholm Semcon Division Stockholm donated 1,800 kr

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 200 kr

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 500 kr

  • Daniel Rundgren Daniel Rundgren donated 500 kr